The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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.fo LQ-Print Version 0.1 -#- (C)Copyright 1984
LQ-Print was written to provide letter quality printing on an
Epson MX printer (with Graftrax) or IBM Graphics printer. A main
part of the effort was to make WordStar files look good with
these printers. Another function of the program is to allow
access to the printers internal functions, therefore this
document refers to the printers mode and Letter Quality mode as
if two totally separate programs exist. Any questions or
comments should be given to: Steve Lass (408)732-8987.
The Menu
Typing in the letters LQ will display the following menu:
R - Reset printer
C - Condensed (not for Letter Quality)
E - Emphasized (not for Letter Quality)
D - Double strike
M - Microjustification (Letter Quality only)
N - eNlarged print
S - proportional Spacing
8 - 1/8 inch line spacing
P - Print file (Letter Quality)
X - eXit to system
Descriptions of Menu Commands
R - Reset printer
The reset command puts the printer into its power up state
(determined by dip switches internal to the printer). It
will also reset all letter quality modes including: 1/8"
line spacing, proportional spacing, microjustification,
enlarged, and doublestrike.
C - Condensed (not for Letter Quality)
This puts the printer into condensed mode (17 characters per
inch). This will not effect the Letter Quality mode.
E - Emphasized (not for Letter Quality)
This command puts the printer into emphasized mode and will
not effect the Letter Quality mode.
D - Double strike
The double strike command will put the printer into double
strike mode and also set the Letter Quality mode to double
.fo -#-
M - Microjustification (Letter Quality only)
Microjustification works with WordStar files to evenly space
the words and characters accros a line. WordStar puts soft-
spaces (hex A0) into the line to justify the right margins.
LQ-Print replaces the soft-spaces with incremental spaces so
the output looks much more evenly distributed. Micro-
justification will be turned off for any line with a hard
carriage return (one not entered by WordStar).
N - eNlarged print
This command puts the printer into enlarged (double width)
mode. It will also make the Letter Quality files print in
enlarged mode until turned off by ^T in the file.
S - proportional Spacing
This puts the printer into proportional spacing mode (each
character takes up a different amount of space depending on
its size). It will also make Letter Quality files print in
proportional spacing mode intil turned off by a Reset
command (or exit from the program).
8 - 1/8 inch line spacing
Line spacing is normally 1/6" and can be changed to 1/8" in
the printer and also in Letter Quality mode.
P - Print file (Letter Quality)
This command takes an ascii DOS file and prints it (using
high resolution graphics) in Letter Quality. Any of the
above commands (not those specifically marked "not for
Letter Quality") entered before the "P" command will be in
effect. Note: on entry all modes are cleared.
Control Characters
Print control characters can be entered into the ascii file and
have the following meanings:
Boldface is achieved by using a ^B. This is a toggle
command so the first ^B turns on boldface, the next ^B turns
it off.
Doublestrike is achieved by using a ^D. This is also a
toggle command.
Underline is achieved by using a ^S. This is also a toggle
command. Underline is setup to not underline the spaces
between words.
Enlarged mode is initiated by a ^N and terminated by a ^T.
These are the same control codes that put the Epson printer
into enlarged mode. For some reason WordStar will not allow
the ^N to remain in the file through the "print to file"
command so you must enter a ^A before the ^N when using
WordStar (^N normally changes the character pitch, but
doesn't work with the Epson printer anyway). (^T is normal-
ly used for superscripts which are not supported in this
program, however if the file is going to be printed by
WordStar, another ^T should be entered to toggle off the
superscript mode.)
WARNING: Enlarged mode takes twice the width of normal
characters. If an entire line is written in enlarged mode,
or you forget to turn it off, the type may run off the page.
Strikeout can be achieved by entering a soft carriage return
(no line feed) which is a ^M. Whatever is typed on the next
line is combined with the line above before printing. There
will be no microjustification on the line with the soft
carriage return.
Getting a WordStar file ready for LQ-Print
From WordStar you must print the file into another file.
After editing type a ^KD to finish the editing session.
Then from the main menu type a P for print. Then the file
name must be entered followed by a carriage return. Then
you are asked "DISK FILE OUTPUT?" and must answer Y for yes.
Then you are asked what to call the output file (I usually
use the extension DOC for the WordStar file and TXT for the
output file). All other print control questions are
answered the same as if you were sending the file to the
printer (press <Esc> for default settings).
Invoking LQ-Print
This brings up the menu, all commands can be entered
through the menu. If the command is understood,
another "Make Selection" line will be displayed, if not
the menu will be redisplayed.
This will reset the printer, then exit the program.
This puts the printer into condensed mode.
This puts the printer into emphasized mode.
This puts the printer into doublestrike mode.
This puts the printer into enlarged mode.
This puts the printer into proportional spacing mode.
LQ file.ext
This prints the file in letter quality mode. An
optional drive may be specified as follows:
LQ b:file.ext
LQ/M file.ext
This prints the file in microjustified letter quality
LQ/M/S file.ext
This prints the file in proportional justification
letter quality mode.
Note: All legal commands may be entered on one line:
Note: Certain print modes cannot be mixed in the Epson, check
your manual for details.
Note: Upper or lower case characters may be used.
My experience has shown that "sometimes" when the printer is
not powered up when the IBM PC is turned on the printer
cannot be turned on later wihtout re-booting the PC. LQ-
Print allows the printer to be initialized wihtout rebooting
the PC. If the printer is not ready when LQ-Print is
invoked the following message will be displayed:
PRINTER NOT READY, Retry or Initialize (R or I)?
At this point you must check to see if the printer is turned
off or just "off line". If it is off, turn the power on and
check to see if the "on line" LED comes on. If not, the
printer needs to be initialized (type I). The next message
displayed will be:
Monochrome/printer board or Printer adapter (M or P)?
If your not sure try one.
If your printer was just off line when the PRINTER NOT READY
message was displayed you have two options. The first is to
turn the printer on line by pressing the "on line" button on
the printer then type R for Retry and you should see the
menu. The second method to get the printer on line is to
type I for Initialize. This will initialize the printer and
put it "on line" automatically.
If you have a non standard board and LQ-Print's initiliza-
tion doesn't work, you must re=boot.
Note: The initialization program will not be used if the
printer is ready when LQ-Print was invoked.
Note: LQ-Print can be executed from WordStar to initialize
the printer or setup any of the printers internal functions.
rint can be executed from WordStar to initialize
the printer or se